[Get IPO Industry Comparison] - Duration: 00:35:51.529 - 00:35:56.528
System.InvalidOperationException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
at DataAccess.BaseMsSQL.ExecuteQueryString(String ConnectionString, String v_sTableName, String m_sQueryString, String FunctionName, Boolean v_bReturnEmptyTable)
at DataAccess.QuoteHK.GetIPOIndustryComparison(String ConnectionString, Language Language, String v_sSymbol, String v_sIndustryCode, Int32 v_iPageSize, Int32 v_iPageNumber, Int32 v_iSortType, OrderBy v_eOrderBy)
at BusinessLogic.DataEngine.GetIPOIndustryComparison(String QuoteHKConnectionString, Language Language, String v_sSymbol, String v_sIndustryCode, Int32 v_iPageSize, Int32 v_iPageNumber, Int32 v_iSortType, OrderBy v_eOrderBy, List`1& listIPOInfo, Int32& iTotalRecord, CustomException& customException)